In the evening, February 10 2016, the second Science Dinner was launched at Openlab in Stockholm. A three-course menu with wine in the presence of chef Henrik Norström from Lux restauranger/Open Café, professor Johan Lundström from Karolinska Institutet, and me moderating the discussion.Do you know all the ins and outs of your trigeminala system, and how it radically affects your way of appreciating the steak and the pilsner? Do you know everything about retronasal and orthonasal olfaction, and how this this knowledge could actually make you a better chef and host? And do you consider yourself the real badass when it comes to balancing basic tastes like sweetness, sourness and saltiness when cooking at home? If not, you should buy a ticket to a Science Dinner.
- Senior researcher Johan Lundström from KI/Department of Clinical Neuroscience can answer ANY question.
- What are these clips for?
- First course in the making.
- Kitchen sense at Open Café.